Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Blog On The Horizon

I have been a bit absent from this blog lately, but for a good reason. I have made the decision to get more serious about blogging and have begun the process of designing a new blog.

I have done the following so far:

  • Purchased the domain
  • Scoured the net for blogging tips for beginners
  • Found some blog sites that I really like for inspiration
  • Began reading the book "Google Blogger For Dummies" by Susan Gunelius
  • Checking into hiring a blog designer vs. Using one of the free blogger templates available
I will be blogging daily about things that will interest a savvy mom and posting product reviews/giveaways. There is a lot to do before submitting my first posts. I am trying not to rush into it and instead am thinking long term when making decisions about the new blog. There is a lot to consider regarding marketing, social networking and monetizing the blog.

So, wish me luck and be patient with me! I would appreciate any tips or ideas that you might have for me! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I stopped by to follow you. Thanks for stoppin by my blog!

    I seems like you are off to a good start planning things out for your blog!

    I know you said you are new to blogging so I wanted to invite you my social network for bloggers. It's a great way to meet other bloggers, ask questions, get advice, etc.... and it's totally free!

    You can check it out at:

    Have a great day and good luck on your blogging journey!
